Willie Nelson

Stay All Night

Willie Nelson

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Stay All Night

	  		Willie Nelson - Stay All night 

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Intro G -----------------------------------------------------------|x2 ------------------------------3--3---------3--3------------| ------------------------------3--3---------3--3------------| -/5--5p3----5--5p3----5--5-5--------5--5-5------------3--5-| ---------5---------5----------------------------5--5-------| -----------------------------------------------------------|
verse 1 G Can't go home if you're goin' by the mill, D G 'Cause the bridge washed out at the bottom of the hill. Big creek's up and the little creek's level. D G Plow my corn with a double shovel.
G Stay all night, stay a little longer. D G Dance all night, dance a little longer Pull off your coat and throw it in the corner. D G Don't see why you can't stay a little longer
verse 2 G Sittin' in the window, singin' to my love. D G Slop bucket fell from the window above Mule and the grasshopper eatin' ice cream D G Mule Got sick so we laid him on the beam
G Stay all night, stay a little longer. D G Dance all night, dance a little longer Pull off your coat and throw it in the corner. D G Don't see why you can't stay a little longer
Interlude G | ||G | | |D G | G | | |D G | G | |D |G | G | |D |G || verse 3 G Well you oughta see my blue eyed Sally, D G She lives way down on Shinbone Alley The number on the gate the number on the door. D G The next place over is the Grocery store.
G Stay all night, stay a little longer. D G Dance all night, dance a little longer Pull off your coat and throw it in the corner. D G Don't see why you can't stay a little longer
Interlude G | ||G | | |D G | G | | |D G | G | |D |G | G | |D |G ||

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