Zac Brown Band


Zac Brown Band

cavaco Easy easy


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Key:  C More
Nothing Key GG
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Nothing Key A#A#(one step down)
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Nothing Key CC(original key)
Nothing Key C#C#(half step up)
Nothing Key DD(one step up)
Nothing Key D#D#
Nothing Key EE
Nothing Key FF
Nothing Key F#F#

  C                      F                C 
Cried all night when you told me that I'd lost you 
C                  Dm               G 
I died inside as I watched you walk away 
    Am              F                 C 
And all this time I didn't doubt your reasons 
    Dm       F                  C 
But I can't heal what you can't replace 
F C Now I sleep like a baby Dm C G and all my dreams come true F C Dm G C 'Cause the rest of my life has nothing to do with you
C F C Pulled up my favorite chair at my favorite tavern C Dm G Turned to see you standing there with envy in your eyes Am F C and I saved your life from 13 years of anger Dm F C But I broke every bone on the way home swinging at the sky
F C Now I sleep like a baby Dm C G and all my dreams come true F C Dm G C 'Cause the rest of my life has nothing to do with you
C F Stumbled in to find you cryin' in the kitchen C Dm G I argued with a broken heart and fabricated pride Am F C and the battle raged for hours, But I didn't have the power Dm F C To make you understand so you turned and said goodbye
F C Now I sleep like a baby Dm C G and all my dreams come true F C Dm G C 'Cause the rest of my life has nothing to do with you
OUTRO F F C F C Now I sleep like a baby Dm G and all my dreams come true F C Dm G Am G Dm C 'Cause the rest of my life has nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do with you

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