7eventh Time Down

Just Say Jesus

7eventh Time Down

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Just Say Jesus

Written by Ian Eskelin/Mikey Howard/Cliff Williams

Intro: F#  F#sus  F# 

verse 1: 
           F#                    F#sus 
Life gets tough, and times get hard 
       F#                                  F#sus  C#2 
And it's hard to find the truth in all the lies 
If you're tired of wondering why  
Your heart isn't healing And nothing feels like home  
              B2                                   F#  
Cause you're lost and alone just screaming at the sky  

F# B When you don't know what to say F# Just say Jesus B There is power in the name Ebm The name of Jesus C#/F If the words won't come B Cause you're to afraid to pray F# F#sus Just say Jesus (Just say Jesus)
verse 2: F# F#sus Whisper it now, or shout it out F# F#sus C#2 However it comes out, He hears your cry B C# Out of nowhere He will come, you got to believe it He will rescue you B F# Just call out to the Way, The Truth, The Light
F# B When you don't know what to say F# Just say Jesus B There is power in the name Ebm The name of Jesus C#/F If the words won't come B Cause you're to afraid to pray Ebm C#/F B/F# There is just one name Ebm C#/F B Strong enough to save Ebm C#/F B/F# There is just one name Ebm C#/F B There is just one name F# Jesus
Interlude: F# B F# F# B When you don't know what to say F# Just say Jesus B There's still power in the name Ebm The name of Jesus C#/F If the words won't come B Cause you're to afraid to pray Ebm C#/F If the words won't come B And you don't know what to say F# Just say Jesus

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