Adam Carroll

Rosemary's Song

Adam Carroll


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Rosemary's Song

Written by Adam Carroll

	  		           C                       G                      D                     C 
I'm on the worlds last steam train lookin out the window, watch another life go by 
    C                     G                         D                     Em 
Got tongue tied, gun shy, standing in your doorway, trying not to say goodbye 
       Am              C                D   
To the secrets in your bedroom that you told 
          Em              C                  G 
I want to press my silver cross against your gold 
Passing through a ghost town lookin at the sun down, talking to the engineer 
I want to back track time till the whistle stops blowing and the snow caps disappear 
Cause baby all these empty box cars look the same to me 
I want to get off of this god forsaken train 

D Well I'm thinking about you all the way from Brownsville to Laredo C G Bought a round trip ticket from Denver to Durango Bm C G Countin all the tracks till I get off the train D Somewhere the ghost of your warm love lies C G Between your long black hair and you pretty dark eyes Bm C D I hope it doesn't fade away like the frost on your window pane Em C G I want to come back to the roses in your name
Got me feelin kinda lovesick, lookin like a train wreck, listening to the engine moan I'm lookin for a rainbow, waitin at the depot, standing by the telephone I had my arms wrapped around almost all night long I'd give a thousand hail marries to know what went wrong Chorus On the worlds last steam train lookin out the window, watch another life go bye Got tongue tied gun shy standing in your doorway, trying not to say goodbye To the secrets in your bedroom that you told I want to press my silver cross against your gold

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