Adeline Troutman


Adeline Troutman

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Intro E5 e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|---------9-------9-------9-------|---------9-------9-------9-------| D|-----9-------9-------9-------9---|-----9-------9-------9-------9---| A|-7-------------------------------|-7-------------------------------| E|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Verse 1 E5 Cmaj7 Asus2 Cmaj7 e|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|---------9-------9-------9-------|---------9-------9-------9-------| D|-----9-------9-------9-------9---|-----9-------9-------9-------9---| A|-7-------------------------------|-0-------------------------------| E|-----------------8---------------|-----------------8---------------|

Verse 1:

E5 Cmaj7 Her skin glowed green and blue Asus2 Cmaj7 E5 The starry sky dimmed by fiery hues Cmaj7 Asus2 My white dress blew in midnight's view N.C. Of the world reborn, begun anew Em Cmaj7 Asus2 Two thousand years and twenty more Cmaj7 E5 And she looked beautiful as ever before Cmaj7 Asus2 As she pushed me down into the warm B7 B7/13- Water deep below my clothes were torn


Em C Lilith you siren A C How could you do this to me? Em C Lilith I'm dyin' A B7 Why won't you set me free?
Em C I tried to scream but lilies clouded my mind A C The petals softly floating into my eyes Em C I felt your fingers slowly crawl up my spine A B7 We didn't have to sink for you to be mine

Verse 2:

Em Cmaj7 Her eyes were as red as dawn Asus2 Cmaj7 As she held me down under the pond E5 Cmaj7 Fireworks filled the sky beyond Asus2 Bsus4 Em/B I heard the cheers from above the lawn Em Cmaj7 Soft hands brushed through my thighs Asus2 Cmaj7 E5 You were evil everyone else had realized Cmaj7 Asus2 Thought I was different thought I'd save your soul B7 B7/13- Guess you can't save what isn't half of a whole


Em C Lilith you siren A C How could you do this to me? Em C Lilith I'm dyin' A B7 Why won't you set me free?
Em C I tried to scream but lilies clouded my mind A C The petals softly floating into my eyes Em C I felt your hands as they wrapped around my neck A B7 When did our love become this shallow shipwreck?


Em C Two thousand years and twenty more and I thought Asus2 C I was weaker than I had ever been before Em C But the moonlight's rays hit the water below Asus2 C and it was now or never to swim to the garden and oh, Em C Did she push and pull tryin' to get me to drown Asus2 C But the lilies in my mind began to run aground Em C As I gripped and dragged myself along the dirt Asus2 C I turned back to face the girl I loved for all of my hurt Em C Said ?my dear this is it, I have got to go? Asus2 B And she faded in the deep and murky water below


Em C Lilith you siren A C How could you do this to me? Em C Lilith I'm cryin' A B7 My pain will stay with me Em C Lilith you siren (I tried to scream but lilies clouded my mind) A C You were so cruel and so mean (The petals softly floating into my eyes) Em C Lilith I'm tryin' (I felt your hands as they wrapped around my neck) A B7 To love life now that I'm free
End: Em

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