

chords Intermediate intermediate


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E         F#m         A 
Bummerland, here I am 
Better nix my summer plans 
C#m        E            F#m 
Bummerland, give a cheer 
Cause you're only going up from here 
( E F#m A G# ) 
( C#m E F#m A ) 
Primeira Parte 

E         F#m           A         G#             C#m B A G# F#m 
This month, I got 7 haircuts And now my hair is all gone 
E             F#m                 A            G#          C#m  B  A  G# 
It's sad but I've been alone for too long, so I keep getting haircuts 

F#m                                      C#m B A G# 
It's my all-time low and I just can't wait 
Cause the quicker I'm there is the quicker I'll say 

E         F#m          A 
Bummerland, here I am 
Better nix my summer plans 
C#m       E             F#m 
Bummerland, give a cheer 
Cause you're only going up from here 
E         F#m         A 
Bummerland, here I am 
Better nix my summer plans 
C#m       E           F#m 
Bummerland, sorry dear 
But you're only going up from here 

E           F#m              A 
My friends, always pay for my drinks 
    G#             C#m  B  A  G#  F#m 
I can't afford no nice things 
E         F#m                   A        G# 
But I hope, my bank account gets so low, even 0 
E           F#m               A           G#               C#m B A G# 
So next year, when I buy that first beer, I'll be a goddamn hero 

F#m                                       C#m B A G# 
It's my all-time low and I just can't wait 
Cause the quicker I'm there is the quicker I'll say 

E         F#m        A 
Bummerland, here I am 
Better nix my summer plans 
C#m       E           F#m 
Bummerland, sorry dear 
But you're only going up from here 
Ponte E    F#m    E    F#m   A 
E    F#m 
   It's my all-time low and I just can't wait 
E            F#m                       A 
   Cause the quicker I'm there is the quicker I'll say 

E         F#m        A 
Bummerland, here I am 
Better nix my summer plans 
C#m       E           F#m 
Bummerland, give a cheer 
Cause you're only going up from here 
E         F#m        A 
Bummerland, here I am 
And there ain't no funnerland 
C#m       E           F#m 
Bummerland, it's kinda weird 
But you're only going up from here 

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