
Night And Day


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Night And Day

Year: 2005 - Album: Akeboshi

Capo on 2nd fret

Intro: Bm Bsus2 Bm Bsus2 

Bm             A                   Em 
Day break, I'm sitting near your grave 
Bm                          A                 Em   
I take my guitar out of the tin bag because I haven't got a case for it 
Bm                 A                Em 
I take a flight of fancy and see an airplane reflecting the sun 
Bm                    A               Em 
It carries many stories, enough for our flight 

Bm                  A 
A couple of rabbits come out from nowhere 
Em                                   Bm A Em 
Wriggling their ears always together 
Bm                A                   Em 
Feeling, reeling, dealing, revealing, singing by your side 
          Bm          A            Em          A 
Because I know that I feel out of place anywhere I go 

                 C#m  G#m       
I sing night and day 
                 C#m  G#m  
I sing night and day 
                 C#m  G#m  
I sing night and day 
Night and day 
Night and day 

Bm A Em (4x) then A 

                C#m  G#m 
I run night and day 
                C#m  G#m 
I run night and day 
                C#m  G#m 
I tun night and day 
Night and day 
Night and day 

Bm         A           Em 
As all the things come together 
                    Bm          A      Em 
Time flows past me like a never-ending river 
Bm                     A 
People drifting in the forest of buildings 
Em                                Bm          A 
How many times am I gonna see you in my dreams 
         Em                A 
You're a memory now, one I pray never fades 

                 C#m  G#m       
I sing night and day 
                 C#m  G#m  
I sing night and day 
                 C#m  G#m  
I sing night and day 
Night and day 
Night and day 
Night and day 
Night and day 

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