Alan Jackson

Don't Close Your Eyes

Alan Jackson

chords Intermediate intermediate

by  ANDY

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Don't Close Your Eyes

Written by Bob Mcdill

	  		This is off the "Keith Whitley:A tribute" Album. 
E: ---------0 
B: ---------1 
G: ---0-2-4-0 
D: -0-------2  C  D G 
A: ---------3 
E: ---------x 
                   C   D  
I know you loved him 
             G  Em 
A long time ago 
                 C  D          
Even now in my arms 
You still want him I know 
                   C   D             
But Darlin' this time 
                   G   Em 
Let your memories die 
                     C   D                 
When you hold me tonight, 
Don't close your eyes... 
                  C               D 
Don't Close your eyes, let it be me 
                    G            Em 
Don't pretend it's him in some fantasy 
              C                  D                       
Darlin' just once, let yesterday go 
                       G                     Em 
And You'll find more love than you've ever known 
               C                        D 
Just hold me tight when you hold me tonight 
                      G       (repeat intro) 
And Don't close your eyes  
(Second verse is just like first verse) 
Maybe I've been a fool, holding on all this time 
Lyin' here in your arms, knowin' he's in your mind 
but I keep hoping someday, that you'll see the light 
let it be me tonight, Don't close your eyes... 
(repeat Chorus twice) 
               C                       D  
Just hold me tight when you love me tonight 
And Don't close your eyes 
                            Aggie86 (Go Aggies!)  


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