Amelia Lily

Blue (acoustic)

Amelia Lily

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Blue (acoustic)

   Intro:      G        Bb    C   (2x)

         G                 Bb        C 
 I said hey let me be the first to say 
  G                                  Bb 
 Living with you baby it ain't easy no  
         C                G          Bb        C 
 Day by day, sticks and stones may break my bones 
 But you crept right up behind me stuck a knife inside me  
  Bb             C             G 
 Turn it round, turn it round now 

Eb            F           G 
 I'm not the only one who hurt you no 
Eb            F           G 
 I'm not the only one who burns inside 
Eb            F            G                      C      
 I'm not the only one who cries at night, holds a lover tight 
         Bb                C             C7 
 Trys to understand this thing called a blue  

 G        Bb     C  (2x)

 Well who knows 
         Bb        C 
 What tomorrow brings 
  G                           Bb          C 
 Lady luck yes lady luck come on clip my wings 
               G             Bb          C 
 Heaven can't wait, I'm not quite ready yet 
 But it really doesn't matter no 'cause 
     Bb             C    G        Eb            
 My fate has been seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet 

              F           G 
 I'm not the only one who hurt you no 
Eb            F           G 
 I'm not the only one who burns inside 
Eb            F            G                      C      
 I'm not the only one who cries at night, holds a lover tight 
         Bb                C             C7 
 Trys to understand this thing called a blue  

Gm                  Am          Gm 
 Why do the heavens open,  yeah 
                 Am            Gm 
 Every time that I feel fine 
 Maybe it's just natures way of saying that it's 
   Bb    C    Gm    F 

Bb            C            G 
 I'm not the only one who hurt you no 
Bb            C            G 
 I'm not the only one who burns inside 
Bb            C             G                     C 
 I'm not the only one who cries at night holds a lover tight 
         Bb                C             C7 
 Trys to understand this thing called a blue 

 G        Bb    C  (2x) 

 End on G 

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