Andy Williams

Be Mine Tonight

Andy Williams

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Be Mine Tonight

Written by Ritchie Blackmore

Key:  C More
A#(one step down)
B(half step down)
C(original key)
C#(half step up)
D(one step up)
Intro: F G Am Dm C G F G Am G   
C   Em    F       F/E   
Be mine tonight  
      G              G/F      C  
We'll travel through all our memories  
        Am7        D7      G  
In our own little space in time  
       Am7 D7      G  
You've always been mine  
C       Em   F      F/E  
Through the years  
G           G/F    C  
I feel your love beside me  
            Am7      D7      G  
Through the laughter and the tears  
       Am7       D7        
You've conquered all my fears  
F       C                Dm      Am  
So many stories, so many treasures  
Dm          C          G  
So much our lives have shared  
F             C             Dm         Am  
We've done it all and we've done it together  
Dm            C      G  
You know I've always cared  
C   Em  F   F/E G              G/F C  
In this heart       there'll never be another  
         Am7              G  
You have made my life complete  
    Am7     D7     G          F G Am Dm C G F G Am G  
Our love is like a dream  
F       C               Dm      Am  
So many stories, so many treasures  
Dm          C          G  
So much our lives have shared  
F             C             Dm         Am  
We've done it all and we've done it together  
Dm            C      G  
You know I've always cared  
C    Em F        G           G/F     C  
Take my hand nothing can come between us  
        Am7    D7       G  
We were always meant to be  
   Am7   D7  
Forever, you and me  
C  Em F         G         G/F     C          
In my eyes your face is always before me  
    Am7       D7      G  
Our souls are now as one  
      Am7   D7   G  
We've only just begun 

Key:  C More
A#(one step down)
B(half step down)
C(original key)
C#(half step up)
D(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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