Angel Olsen

What It Is

Angel Olsen

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What It Is

Written by Angel Olsen


Verse 1:

E It's easy when you're passionate It's easy when you know your way around A It's easy when you love something E It's easy if you know exactly how

Verse 2:

E It's easy to openly say Oh, that you could never change your mind A That feeling coming over you E It would never dare leave you behind

Verse 3:

E It's easy if you tell the truth But knowing what it is, it's not enough A Knowing that you love someone E Doesn't mean you ever were in love
A E It's never easy to admit A E That maybe you just wanted it A E Just to feel something again A E You just wanted to forget A E That your heart was full of shit A E You just wanted to forget A E You just wanted to forget

Verse 4:

E It's easy when you're passionate It's easy when you know your way around A It's easy when you love something E It's easy if you know exactly how

Verse 5:

E It's easy if you tell the truth But knowing what it is, it's not enough A And knowing that you love someone E Doesn't mean you ever were in love
A E It's never easy to admit A E That maybe you just wanted it A E Just to feel something again A E You just wanted to forget A E That your heart was full of shit A E You just wanted to forget A E You just wanted to forget

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