Anna Nalick

Car Crash

Anna Nalick

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Car Crash

Capo on 1st fret

        Dm          F           Bb        F 
I think I love you like a car crash, dear. 

        Dm                  F             Bb          F 
I don't want your wreckage, but I find I cannot steer. 

        Dm                            C                Bb         F - C 
My eyes away now. You know I couldn't stay now. Let me go, let me go. 

               Dm                      C               Bb         C 
Angels raise accusing eyes. I'm gonna lose him. Let me go, let me go. 

       F                 C      Bb         F                C     Bb 
'Cause I might let you break my heart, if mine was all that I was worth. 

F                 C      Bb        Bbm              F        C     Bb 
I might let you break my heart, if I don't break it first. Oh oh. Oh oh. 

        Dm             F                Bb          F 
The old star clock it laughs itself to sleep tonight, 

         Dm           F                 Bb           F 
and that fork in the road will bleed me like a knife. 

              Dm                       C                Bb         F - C 
You're moving faster. What a beautiful disaster. Let me go, let me go. 

              Dm                       C               Bb          C 
Angels raise accusing eyes. I'm gonna lose him. Let me go, let me go. 

   F                 C      Bb         F                C     Bb 
'Cause I might let you break my heart, if mine was all that I was worth. 

F                 C      Bb        Bbm              F        C     Bb 
I might let you break my heart, if I don't break it first. Oh oh. Oh oh. 

      Dm           C            Bb                F - C 
And, maybe I will taste you in another time and place.  

             Dm             C                 Bb 
You look so good, I bet you taste like something sweet. 

      Dm          C            Bb                 F -  
But, hell is overflowing and there's no way of knowing. 

C     Dm            C                Bb 
If I give up heaven for one moment, will I get it back? 

        Dm          F              Bb     F 
I think I love you like a car crash. 

          Dm               F               Bb     F 
One wrong move and there's no looking back. 

             Dm                    C               Bb          F - C 
Won't throw away my forever by the wayside. Let me go, let me go. 

               Dm                     C                Bb              C 
Angels raise accusing eyes. I'm gonna lose him. Let me go, just let me go. 

   F                 C      Bb         F                C     Bb 
'Cause I might let you break my heart, if mine was all that I was worth. 

F                 C      Bb        Bbm              F        C     Bb 
I might let you break my heart, if I don't break it first. Oh oh. Oh oh. 

       F                 C      Bb        Bbm            F      C    Bb 
'Cause I might let you break my heart, if only mine would hurt.  

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