Anne Murray

You Needed Me (ver. 2)

Anne Murray

chords Beginner beginner


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You Needed Me (ver. 2)

Written by Randy Goodrum

	  		(G)        C   Am              Dm  G7 
I cried a tear,  you wiped it dry; 
         Dm7   Dm7/G               C 
I was confused,    you cleared my mind; 
           C          C7        F 
I sold my soul, you bought it back for me, 
            D       Dm7        G 
And held me up and gave me dignity -- 
Dm7/G        G          G7 
Somehow you needed me. 
You gave me strength to stand alone again, 
To face the world out on my own again; 
You put me high upon a pedestal -- 
So high that I could almost see eternity. 
     Dm7      G7      C 
You needed me,   you needed me. 
       Am                Am+7             Am7            Am7/G 
And I can't believe it's you, I can't believe it's true: 
      F      G               C      C/B 
I needed you, and you were there. 
           Am              Am+7 
And I'll never leave, why should I leave? 
     Am7      Am7/G         Dm            Dm+7        Dm7     G   Am7 G 
I'd be a fool     'cause I finally found someone who really cares 
You held my hand when it was cold; 
When I was lost you took me home. 
You gave me hope when I was at the end 
And turned my lies back into truth again -- 
You even called me "friend." 
You gave me strength to stand alone again, 
To face the world out on my own again; 
You put me high upon a pedestal -- 
So high that I could almost see eternity. 
You needed me, you needed me. 
    Dm7       G     Dm7  C   
You needed me,  you needed me. 


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