Asylum Street Spankers

Smokey Dokey

Asylum Street Spankers

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Smokey Dokey

Written by Nevada Newman

Back Home My Friend I have often been 
F                      C 
Searching both far and near 
Hoping day to day some might come my way 
G                   F        C 
But in vain as it's just not here 

Now I understand out in Amsterdam 
C                                 F 
All these smokers they're roaming free 
F                            C 
So I left the States and the herb debates 
G        F                 C 
So that for myself I could see... 

C              F    G F C 

verse 1 
At the smoking venue I looked at the menu 
C                      G 
To see what was on display 
I knew quite fast I would have a blast 
G                            C 
Just sampling would take all day 
So feeling cool I pulled of a stool 
C                  F 
For I had money to spare 
F                        C 
At a third past four she opened the drawer 
G                     C 
To show me all of the wares 

A Euro joint is a hashish roll 
C                                     G 
But they have a way to make it like a cone 
Did you know that it saves the soul 
G                                      C 
When that techno-crap is what sets the tone 
Don't be hasty, enjoy the taste 
C                           F 
In the absence of stems and seeds 
F                 C 
Soon I found that this is the town 
G                                 C 
And that here they have the best weed 

C                    F 
Smokey Dokey and you get so mokey that 
G            F          C 
You can't remember your name 
C          F       G F C 

They had Merry Crystal, and Wonder Gold 
C                               G 
Jack Herer and Victory were also sold 
White Widow, Bubble Gum and Power P 
G                        C 
Northern Lights and New ICC 
Caramel and Cashmere, Super Pollen, Red Hair 
C                         F 
Orange Blood and Super Skunk 
F                        C 
Blackbeard's Bounty even Humboldt County 
G                        C 
Of these one toke is enough 

They had Santa Maria and Manali Cream 
C              G 
K2, Sheeba and G-13 
Blue Berry, Purple Mary, Silver Haze 
G                                C 
All of these will leave you in a daze 
If the red eyeballs you would like to slay 
C                           F 
This is cause for the Black Bombay 
F                                 C 
Buddha's Sister like a mighty twister 
G                       C 
Will leave you in disarray 

C                    F 
Smokey Dokey and you get so mokey that 
G            F          C 
You can't remember your name 
C          F       G F C 

Hash joint, weed joint or smoking in a bowl 
C                             G 
Pack it up high with Acapulco Gold 
Or you can use a fancy water pipe 
G                                   C 
Smoke all day you're gonna get real tight 
Up from bed for some Panama Red 
C                        F 
It's good for a wake and bake 
F                                  C 
But if your lungs are choking from all night of smoking 
G                     C 
You can eat the space cake (I ate it) 

Gazing out from the coffee shops 
C                                                G 
There were people they smoking right in front of cops 
And drinking coffee and writing songs 
G                               C 
Take another hit from the fancy bong 
Everything a good viper needs 
C                              F 
So again the menu you read and read 
F                             C 
Take time to play with a girl paid to lay 
C            G                    C 
And then you have more coffee and weed 

C                    F 
Smokey Dokey and you get so mokey that 
G            F          C 
You can't remember your name 
C          F       G F C 

Finally the time had come to me 
C                         G 
To head on back to my own country 
But what would I do if I still had some 
G                                C 
There must be a way that I could take it home 
The customs people had their eyes on me 
C                                 F 
But I walked right through with a grin 
F                                   C 
For I brought back some hash in the crack of my ass 
G                          C 
That I could share with my friends 

C                    F 
Smokey Dokey and you get so mokey that 
G            F          C 
You can't remember your name 
C          F       G F C 

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