
Where Clock Hands Freeze


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Where Clock Hands Freeze

Capo on 1st fret

Verse 1: 

Bm                               A 
You're caught in the land of no sun 
          G         D 
Without reason or rhyme 
You're avid for splendour 
Bm                                        A 
The spin of the hand is your pace on the run 
       G            D 
We got no time to turn 
When we strive after grandeur 

Bridge 1: 

Em                 D                   Em 
Here you got your hero slicing up your ecstasy 
On the verge of lunacy 
Bm                   C 
There's no time to lose 
No chance to refuse - ah 

G D C Will you deny what you see C/B Am G D (as you) tear down the nature of reason G D Bm That has shown you the way C D Where clock hands freeze
The Patterns are the same for the rest of the song. Vers 2: I know what I see And I know what I don't Through your dark swamp I walk on deductive conclusion A little more time? I admit I would take But then again It would mean more time for confusion Bridge 2: You think you got your prodigy Everytime your eyes don't see Victim of perplexity There's no time to lose No need to refuse Chorus 2: Will you deny what you see Tear down our nature of reason That has shown you the way Where clock hands freeze Final Chorus 2: Will you deny what you see Tear down our nature of reason That has shown you the way Where clock hands freeze Enjoy!

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