
Day After Day


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Day After Day

Written by Pete Ham

	  		INTRO:  ( G    F    C    G  )   

G            F     C          G  
I remember finding out about you
G             F       C          G 
Every day my mind is all around you
D                     A           C    Bm   Am     G
Looking out from my lonely room, day     after    day 
D                       A     
Bring it home, 	Baby,  make it soon 
C   Bm    Am    G            C     G     C     G
I   give  my    love to you…    (solo piano)

G           F       C              G  
I remember holding you while you sleep 
G            F        C               G
Every day I feel the tears  that you weep
D                    A             C    Bm   Am     G
Looking out from my lonely gloom, day     after    day 
D                       A     
Bring it home, 	Baby,  make it soon 
C   Bm    Am    G               C     G     C     G
I  give   my    love to you…    (solo piano)

SOLO: (  G     F     C     G     F     C     G  )

D                    A            C    Bm   Am     G
Looking out from my lonely room, day     after    day 
D                       A     
Bring it home, 	Baby,  make it soon 
C   Bm    Am    G            C     G     C     G
I  give   my   love to you…  (solo piano)

G           F      C          G  
I remember finding out about you
G             F       C          G
Every day my mind is all around you
D                    A             C    Bm   Am     G
Looking out from my lonely gloom, day    after     day 
D                       A     
Bring it home, 	Baby,  make it soon 
C   Bm    Am    G             C     G     C     G
I  give   my   love to you…  (solo piano e guitarra)

Contribuição: Roberto Cysne Costa([email protected])

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