
I Got You Babe


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I Got You Babe

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D G e|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-----------0-----------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------1--------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-----0--0-----4-----------0--------------------------------------------------| A|--------0--------------7-------0---------------------------------------------| D|--0--------------5--5--------------------------------------------------------| A* chord: e|-----| B|--2--| G|--2--| D|--2--| A|--4--| D|-----| G* chord (Afie seems to play it quite loosely...) e|-----| B|--0--| G|--0--| D|--5--| A|--5--| D|--5--|
D G I sang loud D G My voice cut through the crowd Bm D7 G* C A* D As if I was anybody that might have something to say G D G Standing tall I seemed to know it all Bm D7 G* But the only thing I know is that I've never known someone like you C A* D G I'm gonna figure out how it is D G I got you D G I got you babe D G I held you D G And I lost you D G D G D G Time stood still D G And I had my fill Bm Of all the things we did D7 G* C A* D And all the things we could have done G D Looking back would you G Cut me some slack Bm D7 G* For all the times I left you when I should have stayed right by your side C A* D G I'm gonna figure out how it is D G I got you D G I got you babe D G I held you D G And I lost you Transcribed from the follow video:

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