Barry Manilow

Somewhere Down The Road

Barry Manilow

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Somewhere Down The Road

	  		Barry Manilow - Somewhere Down The Road 
Words by Cynthia Weil and Music by Tom Snow 

Intro Chords C-C7-F-Fm-Dm-F/G-C-C7-F-Em-F/G 

C           C/E                F         F C/E 
We had the right love at the wrong time  
  Dm7          Dm7/C    
Guess I always knew inside  
G            F/G           F/C   C 
I wouldn’t have you for a long time   
       Am7/F                 G7       G/E           C/A 
Those dreams of yours are shining on distant shores 
                 F/D        C/E 
And if they're calling you away   
          Am7/F              F/G G7  
I have no right to make you stay But 

C9                           F9 
Somewhere down the road Our roads are gonna cross again  
    F/D           Dm7/G   G7   
It doesn't really matter when  
But somewhere down the road  
   F9                                   Dm7/G    F/G G7   
I know that heart of yours will come to s----ee 
     Dm7 C/E  Fmaj7 Dm7/G C   
That you be----long with me 

C9            C/E            Fmaj7 
Sometimes goodbyes are not forever  
    Dm7/G         Dm7/C          G 
It doesn't matter if you're gone 
        Dm7/G      G7  F/C   C   
I still believe in us together  
   Fmaj7                   G/E         C/A   
I understand more than you think I can 
            Dm7            C/E  
You have to go out on your own  
           Fma7               F/G   G7 
So you can find your way back home And 


Ab Bb   C     Dm7          C/E        
Letting go is just another way to say  
     Fm Bb   Gm       Dm7   F/G  G7   
I'll always love you so 
C9          C/E               Fmaj7                  
We had the right love at the wrong time 
G/E         Dm7        C/E 
Maybe we've only just begun   
          Fmaj7          F/G   
Maybe the best is yet to come 'Cause 


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