Benjamin Gibbard

Its Never Too Late

Benjamin Gibbard

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Its Never Too Late

Capo on 5th fret


C  C9/B  Am  
C  C9/B  G  
C  C9/B  Am  
C  C9/B  G  
D  D  

verse 1  

G                 Em  
Don't, don't turn around  

        B7                  C/G  
There's nothing left to be found  

    G                  Em  
You feigned and played along  

      B7                   C/G  
In a place you thought you belonged  

verse 2  

  G                   Em  
So when, when did you turn  

B7                      C/G  
When did you wake this concern  

    G                         Em  
That your shadow could not be outrun  

B7                         C/G  
Defeats you before you've begun  

Pre-Chorus 1  

This book you never read  

is now long overdue  

An errant satellite   

That's lost behind the moon  

Chorus 1  

Em       D                  C                G      B7  C/G   C/G  
Don't ever say that it's too late to cure your lonely heart  

verse 3  

G                Em  
Walk, quicken your pace  

B7                   C/G  
Scale every wall and gate  

G                    Em  
No one would hold you down  

    B7                C/G  
Get lost, lost to be found  

Pre-Chorus 2  

This river never rests  

It flows through you and me  

We are the clouds above  

We are the deepest sea  

Chorus 2  

Em           D                 C                 G  
So don't ever say that it's too late to cure your lonely heart  

Em       D                C                        G   
Don't ever say that when it breaks it just stays shattered apart  

*bass walk-down to Em*  

Em       D                 C                  G    B7   C/G     G   G  
Don't ever say that it's too late to cure your lonely heart  


C   C9/B   Am 

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