Billy Ray Cyrus

Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Billy Ray Cyrus

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Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Year: 1992 - Album: Achy Breaky Heart

	  		  A                                      D 
I looked for you in the morning with the sunrise 
      A                            E 
And I searched for you all the day through 
       A                                 D 
And at night as I lay my head down on my pillow 
  A                  E               A 
I closed my eyes and dreamed only of you 
G D A Someday, somewhere, somehow G D A I know that I will be with you G D A Someday, somewhere, somehow G D A My dreams of us together will come true G D A Someday, somewhere, somehow
solo Not a second ticks off the clock that you don't cross my mind And with every beat of my heart I'm by your side But the truth of the matter is it's make believe And my love once again has been denied Chorus

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