Birds of Tokyo


Birds of Tokyo

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Key:  Am More
Beleiver Key EmEm
Beleiver Key FmFm
Beleiver Key F#mF#m
Beleiver Key GmGm(one step down)
Beleiver Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Beleiver Key AmAm(original key)
Beleiver Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Beleiver Key BmBm(one step up)
Beleiver Key CmCm
Beleiver Key C#mC#m
Beleiver Key DmDm
Beleiver Key D#mD#m
Am                    F                           Am 
So people they close their eyes to see, 
        F                Am                            F                         Am 
But i just listen, They give themselves the third degree, 
F                        Am                       F                   Am                F 
But i just mess around, Your voice it fill the room where i was standing, 
Am                F                     C          G         
And your truth it held enough for this romance in, 
Dm                            C           G    
Side of every dream, I fade in, I fade out, 
Dm                                 C                G               F 
Its louder than it seems, I miss this, somehow, 
Am                F x3 
Am                     F                            Am              F         
So people they feel the right to preach, while others listen, 
Am                    F                               Am           F               Am 
well hang the off from the highest tree, as tears fall to the ground, 
 Am                F 
Your voice it fill the room where i was standing, 
Am                F                     C          G         
And your truth it held enough for this romance in, 
Dm                            C           G    
Side of every dream, I fade in, I fade out, 
Dm                                 C                G               F 
Its louder than it seems, I miss this, somehow, 
Am          F               Am              F 
To my surprise its coming on again, 
Am          F               Am              F 
To my surprise its coming on again, 
Am                     F                            Am              F         
So people they feel the right to preach, while others listen, 
Am                    F                               Am           F               Am 
well hang those fuckers from the highest tree, as tears fall to the ground, 
  F                          Am                       F 
Your voice it fill the room where i was sleeping, 
Am                F                     C          G         
And your truth it held enough for this romance in, 
Dm                            C           G    
Side of every dream, I fade in, I fade out, 
Dm                                 C                G               F 
Its louder than it seems, I miss this, somehow, 


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