Blackberry Smoke

Leave A Scar

Blackberry Smoke

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Leave A Scar

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INTRO/MAIN RIFF: e|-------------------------------------------2-0------| B|-------------------------------------------3-1------| G|---------2-2-----------2-2---------2-2-----2-0------| D|---------2-2-----------2-2---------2-2-----0-2------| A|-------0 0-0-----2-0-0-0-0---------0-0-------3------| E|---2-3-------------------------2-3------------------|
VERSE 1: A D C A The old man was a good man, he raised his children right A A E A He taught us how to work hard and showed us how to fight A A C D Told me about the good Lord and when to use a gun C G C Made me very proud of where it is that I come from MAIN RIFF
B-C D E G# A When I die put my bones in the Dixie dirt D E G# A Look down on me smiling I don't want no feelings hurt D E G# F# All I leave behind me is a ragged old guitar C G A I many not change the world but I'm gonna leave a scar
MAIN RIFF VERSE 2: A Years they rolled on by, the old man turned me loose Way cross town I learned about them sad ol' country blues D Taught me how to prep my heart from trying to make it right C G C Told me not to ever break but one law at a time MAIN RIFF
B-C D E G# A When I die put my bones in the Dixie dirt D E G# A Look down on me smiling I don't want no feelings hurt D E G# F# All I leave behind me is a ragged old guitar C G A I may not change the world but I'm gonna leave a scar
MAIN RIFF BRIDGE: F# D Hope you'll wear me on your memory like a painted old tattoo B E I might not make no history book but I'll burn a page or two Yeah Pre-Lead: A D G A B-C D E G# A When I die put my bones in the Dixie dirt D E G# A Look down on me smiling I don't want no feelings hurt D E G# F# All I leave behind me is a ragged old guitar C G A I may not change the world but I'm gonna leave a scar C G A I may not change the world ... but I'm gonna leave a scar

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See also:

chords Bob Dylan - Don't think twice chords Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone chords Bon Jovi - It's My Life (ver. acoustic) chords Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds chords Elvis Presley - Amazing Grace chords America - Sister Golden Hair

Other versions:

chords Marilyn Manson - Leave A Scar chords Blackberry Smoke - Leave A Scar
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