Bon Iver

Lump Sum

Bon Iver

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Lump Sum

Year: 2008 - Album: For Emma, Forever Ago

Written by Justin Vernon

Asus2            Bm11 
   Sold my cold knot 
     A        E 
A heavy stone 
Asus2                 Bm11        A 
   Sold my red horse for a venture home 
To vanish on the bow 
Settling slow 
Fit it all, fit it in the doldrums 
(Or so the story goes) 
D             E 
Color the era 
             Asus2      E 
Film it's historical 

   My mile could not 
Bm11      A    E 
Pump the plumb 
Asus2            Bm11           A 
   In my arbor 'till my ardor trumped 
every inner inertia 
Lump sum 

All at once 
Rushing from the sub-pump 

(Or so the story goes) 
D                   E 
Balance we won't know 
                         Asus2      E 
We will see when it gets warm 

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