Brad Paisley

When you find yourself (ver. 2)

Brad Paisley



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When you find yourself (ver. 2)

Written by Brad Paisley

Capo on 2nd fret
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A B7 E A B7 E Esus E e----------------------0------0----------0----------------------0------- D-----0h2-0-----0------------0----------0--0h2-0h2-0----0---------0--0-- G----2---------2-2-1--1---1h2--------1h2------2--------2-2-1---1---2-1-- D---2---------1----------2-----2----------------------1-------2--2---2-- A--0---------2---------------------2-------0---------2---------------2-- E--------------------0---------------------------------------0-------0--
A E When you find yourself in some far off place A E And it causes you to rethink some things C#m B/D# You start to sense that slowly E A You're becoming someone else A B7 And then you find yourself A E When you make new friends in a brand new town A E And you start to think about settlin' down C#m B/D# The things the would have been lost on you E A Are now clear as a bell A B7 And you find yourself E Yeah that's when you find yourself
A B Where you go through life E So sure of where youre headin' A B C#m And you wind up lost and it's the best thing that could have happened (B) A B E B A Cause sometimes when you loose your way it's really just as well A B Because you find yourself E Yeah thats when you find yourself
Instrumental A - B - E A - B - C#m A - F#m - B A E When you meet the one that you've been waitin' for A E And she's everything that you want and more C#m B/D# E A You look at her and you finally start to live for some one else A B And then you find yourself C#m B/D# Thats when you find yourself When we go through life So sure of where we're headin' And we wind up lost and it's The best thing that could have happened Cause sometimes when you loss your way it's just as well Because you find yourself Yeah that's when you find yourself *********** makes this a bit easier to play E --> D B7 --> A7 A --> G C#m --> Bm B/D# --> A/C# (x4222x) B --> A

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