Brenda Lee

Let's Jump The Broomstick

Brenda Lee

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Let's Jump The Broomstick

Written by Charles Robins

Key:  D More
C(one step down)
C#(half step down)
D(original key)
D#(half step up)
E(one step up)
Well, come a little baby lets jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
Come a little baby lets jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
G                                         A 
My father don't like it, my brother don't like it, 
G                                         A 
My sister don't like it, my mother don't like it. 
G                                         A 
Come a little baby, let's jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
Goin' to Alabama back from Texarkana, 
G                  A           D 
Goin' all around the world 
I'm goin' to Alabama back from Texarkana, 
G                  A           D 
Goin' all around the world 
G                                         A 
My father don't like it, my brother don't like it, 
G                                         A 
My sister don't like it, my mother don't like it. 
G                                         A 
Come a little baby, let's jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
D                                                                      G    A            D 
Come a little baby, I don't a mean maybe, lets settle down 
                                                                         G    A            D 
Come a little baby, I don't a mean maybe, lets settle down 
G                                         A 
My father don't like it, my brother don't like it, 
G                                         A 
My sister don't like it, my mother don't like it. 
G                                         A 
Come a little baby, let's jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
Inter: saxo 
Well, come a little baby lets jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
Come a little baby lets jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
G                                         A 
My father don't like it, my brother don't like it, 
G                                         A 
My sister don't like it, my mother don't like it. 
G                                         A 
Come a little baby, let's jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 
Goin' to Alabama back from Texarkana, 
G                  A           D 
Goin' all around the world 
I'm goin' to Alabama back from Texarkana, 
G                  A           D 
Goin' all around the world 
G                                         A 
My father don't like it, my brother don't like it, 
G                                         A 
My sister don't like it, my mother don't like it. 
G                                         A 
Come a little baby, let's jump the broomstick, 
G                  A           D 
Come a let's tie the knot 


Key:  D More
C(one step down)
C#(half step down)
D(original key)
D#(half step up)
E(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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