Brett Dennen

When We Were Young

Brett Dennen

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When We Were Young

verse 1: 

Remember when we were young 
We felt like the luckiest ones 
Nothing to worry about 
The whole world was a hand-me-down 

It's hard to be different 
It's even harder when you wanna fit in 
High school was a catastrophe 
It was a failure factory 

F Turn it up, turn it up G Turn up your radio loud C Don't forget where you come from F It's too soon to be proud F Remember when G F We... were... young F Remember when G F C We... were... young
verse 2: C Remember when we were broke F Money would come and go Dm The whole world is a hand-me-down G So you gotta wear it proud C Whenever I reminisce F I know that the greatest risk Dm Is giving up the fun for pay G I don't want to live that way
F Oh tear it up, tear it up G Tear up that page C I don't wanna grow up F Don't wanna act my age F G Remember when, we were young F Turn it up, turn it up G Turn up your radio loud C Don't forget where you come from F It's too soon to be proud F G Remember when, we were young F G Remember when, we... were... young...
Bridge: C Ohhhhhh C Ohhhhh oh oh ohhhhh-oh F Oh oh oh oh oooohhh Dm Oh oh oh oh oh G Oh oh oh oh ohhhhh C Ohhhhhh C Ohhhhh oh oh ohhhhh-oh F Oh oh oh oh oooohhh Dm Oh oh oh oh oh G Oh oh oh oh ohhhhh verse 3: (n.c.) How will I know if I don't ask why I won't let it pass me by I see my life in a faded sky Slippin away, ayyyy ayyyyyy
F Tear it up, tear it up G Tear out that page C I don't wanna grow up F Don't wanna act my age F G Remember when, we were young F Turn it up, turn it up G Turn up your radio loud C Don't forget where you come from F It's too soon to be proud F G Remember when, we were young F G Remember when, we... were... young...

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