
Black Cat


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Black Cat


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Main guitar riff: A9 Em E5 e|-/77775555-------------------------| B|----------7777555577775555----5555-| G|--------------------------7777-----| D|-----------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------|
A9 Em Sapphire her burning eyes A9 Em Model euphonic paradigms A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening to someone you love A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening to someone you love
A9 The black cat the black cat Em E5 Curiouser and curiouser A9 The black cat the black cat Em E5 Curiouser and curiouser
RIFF A9 \ 2x Em E5 / A9 Em Shadowing masonic verve A9 Em E5 Follows the pharaoh and the worm A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening to someone you love A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening to someone you love
A9 The black cat the black cat Em E5 Curiouser and curiouser A9 The black cat the black cat Em E5 Curiouser and curiouser
RIFF A9 \ 2x Em E5 / A9 Em E5 Mirror mirror on the wall (wake me) A9 Em E5 Into the purring night you call (wants to feed) A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening to someone you love A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening to someone you love
A9 The black cat the black cat Em E5 Curiouser and curiouser A9 The black cat the black cat Em E5 Curiouser and curiouser
A9 \ 2x Em E5 / A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening (wants to feed) A9 Em E5 Awkwardness happening (look at me, look at me) A9 \ 2x Em E5 /
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A9 E5 e|-0----0--| B|-0----0--| G|-2----4--| D|-2----2--| A|-0----2--| E|------0--|

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