Burning Tangerine

Go Away

Burning Tangerine

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Go Away

Written by Diego Souza

Key:  Bbm More
Go Away Key FmFm
Go Away Key F#mF#m
Go Away Key GmGm
Go Away Key G#mG#m(one step down)
Go Away Key AmAm(half step down)
Go Away Key BbmBbm(original key)
Go Away Key BmBm(half step up)
Go Away Key CmCm(one step up)
Go Away Key C#mC#m
Go Away Key DmDm
Go Away Key D#mD#m
Go Away Key EmEm
	  		   B5   D5 
Go away 
E5  G5 
   Away from me 
   B5     D5         E5       G5 
No matter all these shits you said 
B5      D5      E5      G5 
I don't wanna see your face again 

( B5 ) 

What do you see when you look at my face? 
D5            E5 
Just another hungry dog 
That you pet and go out 
What do you think when you hear my voice? 
        D5              E5 
Saying I love you every time 
That you smile 

Oh that fucking smile 

   B5   D5 
Go away 
E5  G5 
   Away from me 
   B5     D5         E5       G5 
No matter all these shits you said 
B5      D5      E5      G5 
I don't wanna see your face 
       B5   D5 
And go away 
E5  G5 
   Away from me 
   B5     D5         E5       G5 
No matter all these shits you said 
B5      D5      E5      G5     B5 
I don't wanna see your face again 

I was in hell and I remembered you 
D5            E5 
Kissing your mouth is like 
Putting myself on fire 
Listening to our favorite songs 

My eyes are fixed on you 
D5             D5          B5 
Just waiting for it all to burn 

G B5   D5 
Go away 
E5  G5 
   Away from me 
   B5     D5         E5       G5 
No matter all these shits you said 
B5      D5      E5      G5 
I don't wanna see your face 
       B5   D5 
And go away 
E5  G5 
   Away from me 
   B5     D5         E5       G5 
No matter all these shits you said 
B5      D5      E5      G5     B5  D5  E5  G5 
I don't wanna see your face again 
 B5  D5  E5  G5 
 B5  D5  E5  G5 
   B5 D5 
Go away 
 E5 G5 

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