Caedmon's Call

We Delight

Caedmon's Call

chords Beginner beginner

by  JASONG8301

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We Delight

       Bb2        F              C             F 
We delight in the law of your word 
       Bb2        F              C             F 
We delight in the Son who was perfect from birth 
       Bb2        F               C             F       
We delight in the day He's returning to earth 
       Bb2        F        C              
Halleluah (Halleluah) 
Verse 1: 
        F              C                                             
We will bow our hearts because we are free  
          Bb2                     C 
As we raise our hands to give You glory 
Dm                 F                 Bb2         
Father or life and love and infinite worth 
F                           C                                 
Were delivered by blood the flow from the tree  
            Bb2                     C 
Draw us near to You vessels of Your mercy 
Dm                        F                Bb2       C 
For the invention of man, glorious Trinity 
Verse 2: 
F                            C 
We will lift our eyes to the cloud and the flame 
         Bb2                 C 
Lord you guide our steps and restore us again 
    Dm                  F                         Bb2       C 
The nations of man will rejoice in the God of the wilderness 


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