Calum Scott

Only You

Calum Scott

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Only You

Written by Calum Scott, Mark Prendergast, Steve Garrigan

	  		Intro: C#m A E  
        C#m A E  

Only you, you you 
Only you, you you 

Verse 1:

A E C#m I remember in the school yard A E C#m The children didn't understand A E C#m So they bullied me with silence A E C#m Just for being who I am A E C#m So I got good at keeping secrets A E C#m I used to blend in with the crowd A E C#m On the inside I was screaming A E With you I did not have to hide
A B E Only you, could see that I was hurting A B E Only you, ever cared to understand A B Always know, that I'd do the same C#m I'd do anything for you, my friend A B E It's true

Verse 2:

C#m A E C#m I used to stare up at the ceiling A E C#m Wide awake all through the night A E C#m Why the world was busy sleeping A E I was so caught up in my mind
A B E Only you, could see that I was hurting A B E Only you, ever cared to understand A B Always know, that I'd do the same C#m I'd do anything for you, my friend A B E It's true A B E So true

Verse 3:

F#m When I'm all alone A A million miles away from home C#m Would you stand with me? B You'll always be F#m My rock and shoulder to lean on A Every hope I have is gone C#m I'll turn to you B You know it's true
A B E Only you, could see that I was hurting A B E Only you, ever cared to understand A B Always know, that I'd do the same C#m I'd do anything for you, my friend A B E It's true A B E So true A And I know B 'Til the bitter end C#m I'd be proud to call you, my best friend A B E It's true C#m A E You, you you Only you, you you C#m A E You, you you Only you, you you

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