Calum Scott

What I Miss Most

Calum Scott

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What I Miss Most

	  		Intro: C  F  Am  G

verse 1 
C                      F 
   It must have been a year since 
Am                        G              C 
   I was thrown across an ocean far from home 
   And I was making oceans 
Am               G                 C 
   Riding in between the highs and lows 

  F Am      G                   C 
Woah, when awake in the morning I 
  F Am                   G 
You   is the first on my mind 

C F Maybe what I miss most Am G It wasn't made of steel and stones C F And maybe what I miss most Am G It wasn't born of skin and bone C F Under the sun, up on the waves Am G Under three climbs when I'm far away C F Am Maybe what I miss most
Hook G C F Am And maybe you'll never know G C F Am And maybe you'll never know G And maybe you'll never know verse 2 C F Life beyond the window Am G C I'm jealous of the way the black bird flies F Free among the people Am G C Those quarter million stories pass me by Pre-Chorus F Am G C Woah, I awake in the moonlight I F Am G You is the last on my mind
C F Maybe what I miss most Am G It wasn't made of steel and stones C F And maybe what I miss most Am G It wasn't born of skin and bone C F Under the sun, up on the waves Am G Under three climbs when I'm far away C F Am Maybe what I miss most
Hook G C F Am And maybe you'll never know G C F Am And maybe you'll never know G And maybe you'll never know Bridge C F I remember on the table Am G All those faces, where did they go? C F I imagine how it looks like Am G When I'm not there C F I remember, every summer Am G But now that years are, just a number C There's no backroots F Am G Time is faster with everything I've left behind
C F And maybe what I miss most Am G It wasn't made of steel and stones C F And maybe what I miss most Am G It wasn't born of skin and bone C F Cause under the sun, up on the waves Am G Under three climbs and I'm far away C F Am Maybe what I miss most
Outro G C F Am And maybe you'll never know G C F Am And maybe you'll never know G C And maybe you'll never know

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