Cameron Mitchell

Love Can Wait

Cameron Mitchell

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Love Can Wait

Capo on 5th fret

If love is a feeling, 
then I don?t want it 
       C                           G 
You?ll take it and make it into more! 
But if you want something 
that really means something, 
     C                            G 
I?ll show you what love is really for. 
    C      D 
And if you want me 
   G                    Em 
to say, ?You don?t have change,? 
I?ve been waiting patiently.  
      D                 G                     Em 
Well, love can wait for me, love can wait for me! 
G      C           D 
Oh oh, oh whoa! Oh wooooooohohoh? 
I think I see clearly, 
but everyone tells me, 
        C                  G 
?Aren?t you and I meant to be?? 
But don?t tell me baby 
that we?re going somewhere, 
             C                                G 
because your somewhere is not where I want to be. 
C          D    
And if you want me 
   G                    Em 
to say, ?You don?t have change,? 
I?ve been waiting patiently.  
      D                 G                     Em 
Well, love can wait for me, love can wait for me! 

(Yeah, alright, come on, c?mon! 

Yeah man, what?cha got?) 
C                      Em 
You don?t know what love is, 
C                          Em 
My heart is losing all its faith? 
C                     Em    
there?s this sound in my head 

that?s saying: 
C                       D 
?Won?t you wait for me, 
D                 G 
will you wait for me?? 
Yeaaaaaah, yeaaah! YEAH! 

G Em C G 

G  Em  C  G 
C          D 
And if you want me 
   G                    Em 
to say ?You don?t have change? 
I?ve been waiting patiently.  
      D                 G                     Em 
Well, love can wait for me, love can wait for me! 

G      Em    
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, 
C     G (Strum once and let ring!)  

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