Cary Brothers

If You Were Here

Cary Brothers

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If You Were Here

Written by Tom Bailey/Alannah Currie/Joe Leeway

	  		Intro: D A C G (x3) 

D A If you were here C G I could deceive you D A And if you were here C G You would believe D A But would you suspect C G My emotion wandering, yeah? D A C G Do not want a part of this anymore
The rain water drips Through the cracks in the ceiling And I'll have to spend My time on repair And just like the rain I'll be always fallin', yeah Only to rise and fall again If you were here I could deceive you And if you were here You would believe But would you suspect My emotion wandering, yeah? Do not want a part of this anymore If you were here I could deceive you And if you were here You would believe But just like the rain I'll be always fallin', yeah Only to rise and fall again

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