Cheap Trick

Love Comes

Cheap Trick

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Love Comes

Year: 1985 - Album: Standing on the Edge

Written by Rick Nielsen/Robin Zander

	  		Songwriters: Zander, Robin W / Nielsen, Rick 
From the album: Standing on the Edge 

   C                       Em 
Love comes 'round just in time 
   C             Em 
Some things are hard to find 
     F                           G 
Oh, no one knows what I've been goin' through 

 C  Em 

  C                         Em 
Same old song, how does it go? 
  C                   Em 
Same old line, is it all we know? 
And love comes 'round 
In time to rescue me 

    C                  Em 
Oh love!  Love comes around 
          G                   F   
Just in time  Love comes to save my heart (save my heart) 
    C                  Em 
Oh love!  Love comes around  
    F                         G        
Yes it does,  Love comes to save my heart (love comes 'round) 

 C  Em 

  C                        Em  
Love comes 'round just in time 
  C                     Em 
Some things are really hard to find 
  F                          G 
Oh kiss me now,  You know i want you to 

    C                  Em 
Oh love!  Love comes around 
          G                   F   
Just in time  Love comes to save my heart (save my heart) 
    C                  Em 
Oh love!  Love comes around  (yes it does) 
    F                         G        
Yes it does,  Love comes to save my heart (love comes 'round) 

    F                       G 
Sometimes it slips on in slowly 
    F                       G 
Sometimes it makes itself lonely 
    F                 G 
Under the cover of darkness 
    F                       G 
Sometimes it feels oh so heartless 

    C                  Em 
Oh love!  (Love comes around) 
          G                   F   
               (Love Comes Around) 
    C                  Em 
Oh love!  Love comes around   
    F                         G        
               (love comes around) 

    C                  Em 
Oh love!  Love comes around 
          G                   F   
Just in time  Love comes to save my heart (save my heart) 
    C                  Em 
Oh love!  Love comes around 
    F                         G       
Yes it does,  Love comes to save my heart (love comes 'round) 

Save my heart 

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