Chester See

Who Am I To Stand In Your Way

Chester See

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Who Am I To Stand In Your Way

Capo on 1st fret

Forgive me  
I may have said things  
That aren't exactly  
The way that I feel 

Same Chords as previous verse 

I told you I'd be strong  
I said that I've moved on  
But it doesn't take long  
To realize 

      F   G  Am C  F 
That I'm not over you 

C If there is somebody that makes you feel happy F Tends to your heart in the ways I'd been lacking Am G C Then who am I who am I to stand in your way
Verse Chords again I know it sounds crazy But I need you to trust me If it's how it must be Then I'll fade away When it finally feels true Do what you have to Cause I'll never blame you For not choosing me But I'm not over you
C If there is somebody that makes you feel happy F Tends to your heart in the ways I'd been lacking Am G C Then who am I who am I to stand in your way
Am G F Down the road someone will ask me if I know you Am G F I'll pause for a moment I'll smile and say that I used to Chorus
C If there is somebody that makes you feel happy F Tends to your heart in the ways I'd been lacking Am G C Then who am I who am I to stand in your way

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