Chuck Berry

Reelin' And Rockin'

Chuck Berry



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Reelin' And Rockin'

Written by Chuck Berry

	  		Reelin' And Rockin:Chuck Berry. 
Top of the charts in 1959. 

Sometimes I will, then again I think I won't. 
C                                      G 
Sometimes I will, then again I think I won't. 
    D                                G    D 
Sometimes I do, then again I think I don't. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 9:21, 

we was at a rock'n'roll dance having nothing but fun. 
       C                     G 
And we rolled, reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G   D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 9:32, 

there's nothing I would rather do than dance with you. 
       C                     G 
And we rolled, reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G    D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 9:43. 

And everytime I spinned she would spin with me. 
       C                     G 
And we rolled, reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G   D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 9:54. 

I said, dance ballerina girl, go go go! 
       C                     G 
And we rolled, reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G   D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 10:05. 

Man, I didn't know if I was dead or alive. 
          C                      G 
And I was rollin', reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G   D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 10:26. 

But I'm gonna keep on dancing toll I get my kicks. 
       C                     G 
And we reeled, reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G   D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 10:28. 

I gotta get my kicks before it gets too late. 
           C                      G 
And we was reelin', reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G    D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch, it was 10:29. 

I had to hold her hand, she was still holding mine. 
       C                     G 
And we reeled, reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G   D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch and to my surprise, 

I was dancing with a woman that was twice my size. 
      C                      G  
I was reelin', reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                         G  D 
Rollin' till the break of dawn. 

Well, I looked at my watch and it was time to go. 

The bandleader said ' We ain't playing no more.' 
           C                      G 
And we was reelin', reelin' and a rockin'. 
We was reelin' and a rockin', 
C                       G 
well, till the break of dawn. 

A fifties smash from Kraziekhat. 

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