Covenant Worship


Covenant Worship

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Key:  E More
Risen Key BB
Risen Key CC
Risen Key C#C#
Risen Key DD(one step down)
Risen Key D#D#(half step down)
Risen Key EE(original key)
Risen Key FF(half step up)
Risen Key F#F#(one step up)
Risen Key GG
Risen Key G#G#
Risen Key AA
Risen Key A#A#
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E/G# A         C#m  B2 
Ri---sen, Heâ??s ri---sen 
  E/G#  A         C#m B2 
Forever glorified  
E/G# A         C#m  B2 
Ri---sen, Heâ??s ri---sen 
     E/G# A         C#m   B2 
King Je---sus, King Jesus is alive 
Oh, Oh, Hallelujah 
*Same chords as Chorus 
C#m         E/G#     A   A           E   B2 
Grave where are you now, youâ??ve been overpowered 
C#m         B/D# E    A      A        E/G#    B2 
Death where  is your sting, conquered by the King 
Resurrected One, shining like the sun 
Breaking through the fear, Victory is here 
Victory is here 
Oh, Oh, Hallelujah 
A                       B2 
Jesus, be lifted higher, we serve a risen Savior 
A               B 
The same power, the same power 
That crushed the enemy 
A               B 
The same power, the same power 
The power that lives in me 

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