Cris Dellano


Cris Dellano

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Johnny Mercer and David Raksin

Key:  A More
Laura Key EE
Laura Key FF
Laura Key F#F#
Laura Key GG(one step down)
Laura Key G#G#(half step down)
Laura Key AA(original key)
Laura Key A#A#(half step up)
Laura Key BB(one step up)
Laura Key CC
Laura Key C#C#
Laura Key DD
Laura Key D#D#

Bm7   Fdim               A7M         A6 
Laura    is the face in the misty light 
   Am7    Cdim              G7M   G6 
Footsteps   that you hear down the hall 
 Gm7   Edim                F7M        Dm6  
The laugh   that floats on a summer night 
      Bm5-/7    E7     A7M   A6  
That you can never quite recall. 
And you see 
Bm7   Fdim                  A7M           A6 
Laura   on the train that is passing through 
   Am7    Cdim            G7M    G6  
Those eyes   how familiar they seem 
   Gm7 Edim           Bm7       D5+ 
She gave  your very first kiss to you  
     E7/9-   Edim       A7   D6/9    D7/9+ 
That was Laura,   but she's only a dream 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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