Dave Matthews Band

Some Devil

Dave Matthews Band

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Some Devil

Written by Dave Matthews

Intro: B   A   E   G   D 

B                        E 
One last kiss one onlY 
            G   D    B 
Then I'll let you go Hard for you 
I've fallen 
                            G   D 
But you can't break my fall 
Bm                         E 
I'm broken don't break me 
                 G   A 
When I hit the ground 
B                     E 
Some devil some angel 
                    G   D 
Has got me to the bones 
           Bm    A     G 
You said always and forever 
Now I believe you baby 
D         E      D           G 
You said always and forever 

Is such a long and lonely time 

B A E G A 

B                            E 
Too drunk and still drinking 
                     G   A 
It's just the way I feel 
It's alright 
Is what you told me 
                         G   A 
Cause what we had was so beautiful 
B                        E 
Feel heavy like floating 
                      G   D 
At the bottom of the sea 

          A    E    A     G 
You said always and forever 
Now I believe you baby 
D        F#m  E   A    G 
You said always and forever 

Is such a long and lonely time 

Bm   B   E   G   D 

B                                E 
Some devil is stuck inside of me 
I cannot set it free 
B                                    E 
I wish I wish I was dead and you breathing 
                         G   A 
Just so that you could know 
B                               E 
Some angel is stuck inside of me 
                      G   A 
But I cannot set you free 

D        A    B  E   D   G 
You said always and forever 
Now I believe you baby 
D          Bm   A       G 
You said always and forever 

Such a long and lonely time 

Bm  B  F#m  B   E 
Stuck inside of me 

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