David Olney

Saturday Night And Sunday Morning

David Olney



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Saturday Night And Sunday Morning

Written by David Olney

	  		   D        G        D 
If I   was Saturday night 
     G               D 
And you were Sunday morning 
        A                                D 
For a fleeting moment we could touch at midnight 
    A                                  D 
And in that moment, could you really know me? 
          G      A            D 
But I am looking  ‘cross the river 
 D      G      D 
Longing to be near 
     D           G                A 
The water is too wide, I can not reach you 
         A                         D 
I'm as close as I can ever hope to be 


And if I was Winter dying 
And you the virgin Spring 
Gladly to your warmth I would surrender 
To melt the snows and set the rivers free 
But I am standing on the mountain 
Longing to be near 
Heaven is too high, I can not reach you 
I'm as close as I can ever hope to be 

And if you were the water that He turned into wine 
And you could satisfy a drunkard's thirst 
Well, I'd surely drink until I could not see 
But I am lost in the Devil's storm 
Longing to be near 
The wind, it blows too hard, I can not reach you 
I'm as close as I can ever hope to be 

And if I was Saturday night 
And you were Sunday morning 
For a fleeting moment we could touch at midnight 
And in that moment, could you really know me? 


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