Deer Tick

Miss K

Deer Tick

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Miss K

Key:  G More
Miss K Key DD
Miss K Key D#D#
Miss K Key EE
Miss K Key FF(one step down)
Miss K Key F#F#(half step down)
Miss K Key GG(original key)
Miss K Key G#G#(half step up)
Miss K Key AA(one step up)
Miss K Key A#A#
Miss K Key BB
Miss K Key CC
Miss K Key C#C#
                                                     C                        G 
Well don't you waste anytime with those bags under your eyes  
Put your bag in your hand and run with me  
Just to know you this close  
           C          Em 
Darlin' I nearly choke  

                G                                  D 
Can't you see you can have all my tomorrows  

D C# C 

                      D                  G                           E 
Come on Miss K wrap your lovin' arms around me  
       G                    D                 G      C G 
Talk dirty, turn me on, let's get goin'  

Well we're young and we're brave  
                      C                      G 
And turn your back and walk away  
Bring your back to the past and take off fast  
           G                                       C                Em 
Just to dance in your arms it's like I can't fall apart  
               G                                                              D 
So take a chance, change your stance and see what happens  

D C# C 
                      D                  G                                E 
Come on Miss K wrap your drunken arms around me  
       G                    D                 G      C  G        Dm  C 
Talk dirty, turn me on, let's get goin'  

                            G                Dm  C 
Our lives are ever changin' 
                                Em       Am 
So shit always has to fend 
Oh when we first locked eyes 
             Am    C                      D 
But Miss K did took me by surprise 

G C G D  

                    G                                       C                        G 
Oh don't you waste anytime with those bags under your eyes  
Put your bag in your hand and roll with me  
Just to know you this close  
           C          Em 
Darlin' I nearly choke  
                G                                  D 
Can't you see you can have all my tomorrows  

D C#  C 
                      D                  G                           E 
Come on Miss K wrap your lovin' arms around me  
       G                    D                 G          Dm G 
Talk dirty, turn me on, let's get goin'  

                      D                  G                           E 
Come on Miss K wrap your lovin' arms around me  
       G                             D                 G       
Talk dirty baby, turn me on, let's get goin'  

Let's get goin'  
Get goin'  
Hey where we goin'  
Let's just go  
Keep movin' baby 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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