Deer Tick

The Rock

Deer Tick

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The Rock

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e|----------------------------------| B|----------------------------------| G|-------2---------------2----------| D|-0-2-3-------3-2-0-2-3--------3-2-| A|---------1-3-------------1-3------| E|----------------------------------|(x3) e|-------------------| B|-------------------| G|-------2-----------| D|-0-2-3-------3-2-0-| A|---------1-3-------| E|-------------------|
D5 E5 F5 A5 My love for you is old, But new. A#5 C5 F5 E5 I'd give the rock to only you. D5 E5 F5 A5 It is the piece that can't break through A#5 C5 F5 E5 The window of our love. verse 1 D A# Don't paint my picture D A# Sleeping on the ground D A# Come on! Little sister, D A# you know what you have found
C A# D The heart, beaten like a sinner. C A# D The sweat, melting like a bad trip. A# C D A# Uuuuu, the rock sits there dead!
D A# verse 2 D A# Don't hold me closer D A# It's all too sweet to last. D A# Come on! Fellow gonner, D A# The glory days have passed
C A# D the lungs, crazy for your perfume C A# D the tongue, praying for renewal A# C D A# Uuuuu, the rock no interest.
D A# verse 3 D A# Don't paint my picture D A# Sleeping on the ground D A# Come on! Little sister, D A# You know what you have found. Outro D A#

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