Del Amitri

Crashing Down

Del Amitri

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Crashing Down

Written by Justin Currie/Iain Harvie

Key:  F More
D#(one step down)
E(half step down)
F(original key)
F#(half step up)
G(one step up)

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Intro: Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 e|5-------/3------/0----------/5-------/3------/0--------/ B|5-------/3------/3----------/5-------/3------/3--------/ G|5-------/0------/2--------0-/5-------/0------/2--------/ D|3-------/0------/0----0h3---/3-------/0------/0--------/ A|3-------/2------/-----------/3-------/2------/---------/ E|--------/3------/-----------/--------/3------/---------/
Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 Well it might not be im - portant to you now F G Dsus2 When the night is yo - ung and everyone's around G F And the music flo - ws F - G G F Fmaj7/C Through your doped up Dis - ney mi - nd G - Dsus2 Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 But you'll be crying like a baby when it co - mes Fmaj7/C G And you will try it any - way you can Dsus2 to find a place to run, G F 'Cos it ain't no fu - n F - G (G - F) In party town, Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 when loneliness comes cra - shing down Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 Yeah, when lonely - ness comes cra - shing down F - G - Dsus2 2x Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 And you'll be hurting in a way you can't ex - plain Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 And all those pretty thi - ngs you love will look so vain G F F - G (G - F) 'Cos the laughing cro - wd is such a hopeless sound Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 when loneliness comes cra - shing down Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 Yeah, when lonely - ness comes cra - shing down Break: Bb A7 And you might not thing a - bout Dm Just what happens now F C Gi as your guests col - lect their co - ats. Bb A7 In an empty hou - se Dm full of ashtray doubts A7 C Dm D Your formless future floa - ts F - Gi - Dsus2 2x G - F - G - F - Gi - Dsus2 Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 So the bad and beauty - ful still re - main Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 With their de - pleted bou - nty of bad cocaine G F we love the house G G - F Fmaj7/C G - Dsus2 But we can't quite place the na - me Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 And it might not be im - portant to you now Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 When the night is you - ng and you are loose and loud G F 'Cos there ain't no sou - nd G in party town G - F Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 Quite like loneliness cra - shing down Fmaj7/C G Dsus2 Quite like lonely - ness cra - shing down Fmaj7/C Dsus2 crashing down Outro: F - G - Dsus2 (REPEAT SEVERAL TIMES) D //

Key:  F More
D#(one step down)
E(half step down)
F(original key)
F#(half step up)
G(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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