
Tell Me, Mechanist


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Tell Me, Mechanist

Written by Guus Eikens/Charlotte Wessels/Martijn Westerholt

	  		A                F#m               B G 
Tell me, mechanist, is it true? 
A             F#m 
Does none of it bother you? 

B   A F#m 
B   A F#m 
B   A F#m 

Once upon a time 
Upon a time behind us 
The mechanist inclined 
Clockworks of time define us 
         G           A 
Who you are, who you are 
Merely springs that tick 
    A               E 
The time of things away 

The cry from the beast is just the noise 
Of a spring that you have touched 
      A             F#m 
Not a human: Not a voice 

        C#       A              B 
If only we could go back to the start (tell me, mechanist, is it true?) 
         C#        A             B        G# 
We would see we’re not that far apart (does none of it bother you?) 
   C#         A              B 
Realize the likeness of our hearts 
If we could go back 
We could go back 
B           G 
One and the same 
Likely to one another 
But the mechanist inclined 
B                   F#m 
Merely our kind can suffer 
A   E   G            A 
Who you are, who you are 
Does it justify 
Pleasing your palate 
With the other’s blood? 

Tell me why, have the writings on the wall 
Nor the dawn of DNA 
           A              F#m 
Changed a single thing at all? 

        C#       A              B 
If only we could go back to the start (tell me, mechanist, is it true?) 
         C#        A             B            G# 
We would see we’re not that far apart (does none of it bother you?) 
   C#         A              B 
Realize the likeness of our hearts 
If we could go back 
        F#m      G#m 
We could go back  
        B    C# 
to the start 

Closing collision: 
The end of our divide 
Savor the flavor of our ancestry rites 

Closing collision: 
We’ll realize in time 
A     B 
No opposition 

We’re genetically entwined 

A B G 

A                F#m               B G 
Tell me, mechanist, is it true? 
A             F#m 
Does none of it bother you? 

C#       A              B 
We could go back to the start (tell me, mechanist, is it true?) 
         C#        A             B            G# 
We would see we’re not that far apart (does none of it bother you?) 
   C#         A              B 
Realize the likeness of our hearts 
If we could go back 
        F#m      G#m 
We could go back  
        B    C# 
to the start 

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