Django Django

Django Django

Django Django

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Django Django


Intro: A#  F#  D#  D#  

Verso 1:  

Capotraste na 1ª casa 
ou então faça todas as notas sustenidas. (com exceção do E, que deve ser feito um F) 

A                   F                D  
Always look at the white sky and you lose your head in the clouds  
A                F        D                  G  
Wanna step onto them and float down to the ground  
A                    F                     D  
You appear from the hillside and there's a funny look in your eye  
A                    F                     D                G  
Between a rock and a hard place and I will either do or say die  


E            F              D            G   
Aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaahhh  
E            F              D            G   
Aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaahhh  

Verse 2:  

A                    F          D   
Spins the phrases together 'til something starts to make sense  
A            F      D                    G  
Talk of the future ignoring the present tense  
A                F                  D  
Start shining the night sky you light up like a solar flair  
A                      F            D               G  
Won't just burn up on contact as we enter the atmosphere  


E            F              D            G   
Aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaahhh  
E            F              D            G   
Aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaahhh  

A F D Hail to the bop believe me, took your time to come back and see me A F D G I've been waiting here so long and now you've taken off again
(repete chorus)

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down