Drake e Josh


Drake e Josh

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Written by Gerleandro S Silva

	  		 Eb5     Bb5              Ab5       Bb5 
I never thought that it'd be so simple but 
 Eb5     Bb5    Ab5     Bb5 
I found a way, I found a way 

 C5        Ab5       Eb5 
If you open up your mind 
 Ab5   Bb5    Db5 
See what's inside 
 Eb5        C5              Ab5      Ab5  Bb5  Eb5 
It's gonna take some time, to realign 
 Eb5        C5              Ab5      Ab5  Bb5  Eb5 
But if you look inside, I'm sure you'll find 
 Eb5          C5                      Ab5 
Over your shoulder you know that, I told you 
 Ab5                                      C5 
I'll always be pickin' you up when you're down 
             Ab5        Ab5  Bb5  Eb5 
So just turn around 

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