Ed Sheeran


Ed Sheeran

chords Beginner beginner


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Capo on 2nd fret

Intro:  D Dm7  D Dm7  D/G Dm7/G  D/G Dm7/G 

D   Dm7       D            Dm7         D/G  Dm7/G     D/G     Dm7/G 
Face me, are you tired of living?  Replace, she   was so unforgiving 
Bm                    G            A 
And I'm so frustrated,  so dilated  And she's telling me I've wasted my time 
Bm                        G 
And I'm running back like, just to face the facts right 
To tell me your voice takes me through the night 

Bm             G            A                   Bm 
Your smile and your memory  Simply eases me to sleep 
                     G          A                        Bm 
In my ear while the whispering  Melts my heart on every beat 
              G   A                                  Bm 
Still you're singing lullabies and postcards to this place 
          G   A               F#m  Bm 
And we're asking for so much more 
             G   A               F#m             Bm 
Now you're bringing smiles and laughter to this face 
           G        A                   F#m  Bm 
While bad memories are in pieces on the floor 

D   Dm7       D            Dm7         D/G  Dm7/G     D/G     Dm7/G 
Face me, are you tired of living?  Replace, she   was so unforgiving 
Bm                    G            A 
And I'm so frustrated,  so dilated  And she's telling me I've wasted my time 
Bm                        G 
And I'm running back like, just to face the facts right 
To tell me your voice takes me through the night 

Bm                G                A                     Bm 
Time past, heal this broken heart Pulled away that sellotape 
                        G              A                             Bm 
Take your time, 'cause I won't mind I doubt if I even know that I'm awake 
                 G   A                 F#m               Bm 
And still you're singing lullabies and postcards to this place 
           G   A              F#m  Bm 
And we're asking for so much more 
             G   A               F#m             Bm 
Now you're bringing smiles and laughter to this face 
           G        A                    Bm 
While bad memories are in pieces on the floor 

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