
Mountain At My Gates


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Mountain At My Gates

Written by Jack Bevan/Walter Gervers/Yannis Philippakis/James Smith

	  		Dm      C                                Bb        C 
I see a mountain at my gates 
Dm      C                                    Bb     Gm 
I see it more and more each day 
Dm      C                               Bb        C 
What I give it takes away 
Dm      C                                    Bb     Gm 
Whether I go or whether I stay 

Dm      C                                Bb        C 
I see a mountain at my gates 
Dm      C                                    Bb     Gm 
I see it more and more each day 
Dm      C                                Bb        C 
I see a fire down by the lake 
Dm      C                                    Bb     Gm 
I drive my car without the brakes 

Dm      C                                Bb        C 
I see a mountain in my way 
Dm              C                                    Bb     Gm 
It?s looming larger by the day 
Dm      C                                Bb        C 
I see a darkness in my faith 
Dm      C                                      Bb   G 
I drive my car without the brakes 

Bb Dm Oh, give me some time C G Show me the foothole from which I can climb Bb Dm Yeah, when I feel low, C G You show me a signpost for where I should go
Dm C Bb C I see a mountain at my gates Dm C Bb Gm I see it more and more each day Dm C Bb C And my desire was that I dress Dm C Bb Gm On each day I see you less (Chorus) Bridge: Dm C Bb C Rolling stone rolls, black granite, wind blows Dm C Bb Gm Far layed and far flayed, Go now, don?t come again Dm C Bb C Dark clouds gather round, Will I run or stand my ground? Dm C Bb Gm Bb Dm Oh, when I come to climb, C G Show me the mountain so far behind Bb Dm Where it?s further away, C G Its shadow gets smaller day after day (Instrumental solo) Bb Dm C G Bb Dm Yeah, give me my love C give me my love, G give my my choice to keep me coming around Bb Dm When I stand C My love, G My love, keeps me coming around Bb Dm When I stand, C My love, G And my trust, keep me coming around

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