
Come Together In The Morning


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Come Together In The Morning

Written by Paul Rodgers


Intro: Gm 

It makes me sad to think of you 
Because I understand the things you do 
There is no one else can take your place 
In my life alone I hide my face 

F                     Bb 
 Come together in the morning 
F                      Bb 
 I can understand your mind 
F                     Bb 
 Come together in the morning 
F        Eb                Gm  
 See the world the same as me 


There was a time, it's in the past 
I thought our love was born to last 
But now you say you are torn in two 
That's what my love has done for you 

Come together in the morning 
I can understand your mind 
Come together in the morning 
See the world the same as me 


Come together in the morning 
I can understand your mind 
Come together in the morning 
See the world the same as me 


Verse: (fade out) 
It makes me sad to think of you 
Because I understand the things you do 
There is no one else can take your place 
In my life alone I hide my face 

If you have any corrections or improvements to the tab write 
them on the comments section, or send me a message, 
or e-mail, so we can together make this tab even better.    

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