Gary Allan

Of All The Hearts

Gary Allan


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Of All The Hearts

Written by Byron Hill/J. Remington Wilde

	  		Intro:   C B   C B Am   Dm G C 
C          B 
Of all the hearts 
        C   B   Am 
In this big ol' world 
Please tell me 
Dm          G             C        Dm G 
Why did you have to break mine 
C         B 
For every tear I've cried 
C     B    Am           Dm 
There must be a million fools 
     G                      C 
That could have caught your eye 
What were the odds 
That you and I would meet 
We were just strangers 
On a crowded street 
Of all the hearts 
That you could have loved 
And left oh 
Why did you have to be mine 
Instrumental: C B C B Am Dm G C C# D G C B C B Am Dm G C 
Whatever made you 
Choose me above the rest 
Is there some unlucky 
Charm that I possess 
Of all the hearts 
In this big ol' world 
Please tell me 
Dm            G          C  B Am 
Why did you have to break mine 
Dm            G          C B      C         B C 
Oh why did it have to be mine 


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